We feel good, so good ...  Don't worry, be happy !!!

Please turn on your speakers to hear the music where the penguins dance to ...

Table of contents

My Hobbies

I have several interests - the mainstreams are called in the following. ... computing isn't stated - because I must use these machines at work also ;-) ... but I use them for mostly of my hobbies, too.

  Actually I've a new hobby - calles palm IIIx ... great stuff

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Curriculum vitae

My name is Sönke (Soenke) Volquartz - in the following
there are a few datas about my former "life" ...


born and raised in Braunschweig , germany
1974 - 1991
1974-1987  The usual school-life - A-level school leaving exemination at 05/27/1987 as a student of the Wilhelm-Gymnasium Braunschweig
1987/1988  Education to a computer-trainer at the computerschool ABACUS
1988-1991 Education to a insurance-merchandiser at the Hanse-Merkur und Braunschweigische live insurance AG.
1991 Removal to Hamburg 01/24/1991 - living there in Wandsbek.
1991 - 1997
I get a scholarship for studying economics and work a few month as a insurance-merchandiser at the HanseMerkur health insurance. 

In october 1991 I start studying economics at the university of Hamburg => Diplom-Kaufmann  "diploma of economics"
theme of the diploma: "security concepts for information networks" [460kb - PDF-File, in german]

1997 - 2000
Finally I start working in march 1997 as a DP-Coordinator in the health insurance section at the HanseMerkur insurance group in Hamburg. Since january 2000 I've got the organisation management of the five DP-Coordinators from the health insurance. The organisation unit is called KPO (it stands for the german word of "health insurance: projects & organisation").
since 06/2000 KPO get the official group-status, so I'm now a group-manager.


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office: S.Volquartz@Hanse-Merkur.de

Telephon private
+49 40 685949
+49 179 5146192 (GSM)

Telephon office
+49 40 4119-2141
+49 40 4119-5141 (Fax)

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Other Webpages

MARSILIUS® - International model railroading ... really good prices ! The website was built by me !
UFO - here you can get a real terrific signature program for pointprograms (for example Crosspoint)
Thomas - an associate I brought to the web
City maps - Hamburg, Berlin and a few more german cities ...
Hunt the Moorhuhn - a really good freeware game from Johnnie Walker ... shoot 'em down !!!

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Last change: 11. Juni 2000.